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The third year of the COSA-CUC Leadership Program began earlier this week, having had “an incredible two years. Several people in my cohort have expressed that they have never worked harder in their lives. It is the sort of training that is needed if our next school leaders are to build the capacity necessary to transform Oregon’s most struggling schools."
COSA is organizing a committee to advise on how to attract and assist former members of the military considering careers in education and education administration. The committee will hold its first meeting on August 22. It will be chaired by Dr. Fred Maiocco, Superintendent of Hermiston School District and a Brigadier General commanding the 85th Support Command and Assistant Division Commander for Support, 1st Army, Division West.
COSA staff accepted the Ice Bucket Challenge issued by the McMinnville School District administrative team, fulfilling it yesterday.
A full-day workshop on a timely and relevant topic, Increasing Assessment Quality for Teacher Evaluation, with Rick Stiggins, is set for August 19 at the Hilton DoubleTree at Lloyd Center in Portland. This workshop will serve as a full-day follow-up, for district and school teams, on Stiggins’ keynote address at the Aug. 6-8 Oregon Summer Assessment Institute.
Some 900 participants at the 40th Annual COSA Conference in Seaside heard from keynote speakers Michael Fullan, Anthony Muhammad, Rob Saxton and Nancy Golden. They laughed along with comedy troupe Wavelengths, and marveled at a "robot rumble." They honored state award winners. They attended scores of best-practices breakout sessions, and engaged in countless conversations with colleagues from around the state. Conference materials are available, and posted here are some photos to commemorate the event...
“The Concordia/COSA IAL program offers the convenience of on-line courses and the opportunity to build face-to-face relationships within the educational leadership community. Through COSA, my cohort had multiple opportunities to collaborate and connect with veteran administrators, building relationships and establishing resources....”

The Coalition of Oregon School Administrators (COSA) today announced the launch of COSA on iTunes U, which provides free college-and-career-readiness standards-aligned course content for Oregon classroom teachers in the four core subject areas of mathematics, science, social studies and English language arts.

COSA has launched a new web-based education job posting service, where Oregon administrator, teacher and other jobs are listed. Districts, ESDs and state agencies can now subscribe to the service.
AASA and NASSP last week reported that their members support Common Core State Standards (CCSS), but have concerns about implementation, including that the standards are being implemented without sufficient support, and that accountability based on common-core assessments needs to be slowed down.
Stephanie Legard, principal of Sue Buel Elementary School in McMinnville, has been named as the Oregon National Distinguished Principal (elementary principal of the year) for 2014. Legard was selected by COSA and the Oregon Elementary School Principals Association (OESPA).


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