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2022 Summer Conference
August 3, 2022 | Pre-Conference Workshops
August 4, 2022 | Main Conference Day 1
August 5, 2022 | Main Conference Day 2 (AM only)
Due to sustained community transmission of COVID-19, Lane County Public Health is currently recommending indoor masking. Masks remain optional for the Summer Conference and are strongly encouraged. Masks will be available at the registration table.
Pre-Conference Workshops:
- District/School Safety Communications: Strategies and Resources (8:30-3:30)
- Ben Bowman, Operations & Policy Analyst, ODE
- Krista Parent, Deputy Executive Director of Leadership, COSA
- Haley Percell, Chief Legal Counsel, Director of Legal Services, OSBA - Bio
- Brian Kernan, Assistant Legal Counsel, OSBA - Bio
- Jenni Kotting, Communications Consultant, Torres-Montoya & Kotting - Bio
- Shelly Reggiani, Senior Director of Learning, Equity and Communications, COSA
- Assessment Doesn’t Have to Feel Like a Four-letter Word (1:00-4:00)
- Lindsay Prendergast, Consultant, Professional Learning School Improvement Coach, NWEA - Bio
Main Conference Keynote Speaker:
- Leora Wolf-Prusan, Project Director for the School Crisis Recovery & Renewal - Bio
Breakout Sessions:
- Allocating Financial Resources to Better Support Students
- Bent Not Broken: Turnkey Professional Development to Reclaim Connection in the Time of COVID
- Building Organizational Resilience and System Strength and Agility to Meet The Commitment to Serve Each Student and Family
- Career Connected Learning: Engaging Students, Energizing Educators and Enhancing Learning
- Centering Student Learning by Engaging with Families
- Community Circles - Connecting at the Speed of Soul
- Connecting ELPA, ELP Standards, and Instructional Rigor
- Cultivate Tomorrow's Leaders: The Power of After School to Empower Tomorrow's Educational Leaders
- Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Literacy Interventions
- Designing for Equity in Remote and Online Instructional Models: An Introduction to the Draft Remote Learning Quality Program Standards
- Designing for Learning Across Digital Models
- Early Learning Transition Check In: A Collaborative Engagement with Community
- Enhancing Student Outcomes by Bridging the Digital Divide to Ensure Equity for ALL Students
- Equitable Grading: How to Start the Conversation In Your School or District
- ESSER III Highlights and Investments: Keeping What Matters Most at the Center
- Experiential Learning Methodology to Engage Difficult to Reach Students
- Fostering Equitable 3D Science Teaching and Learning
- HB 2166 SEL Framework & Standards Update & Engagement
- Identifying and Strengthening Suicide Prevention in Schools
- Legislative Update
- Moving Toward Equity: Supporting Each Other As We Read, Listen and Change Practices Together
- Oregon Math Project: Aligning Pathways to University Admissions
- Oregon’s K-5 Literacy Framework for a New Era: How ODE is Supporting Evidence-Based Instruction of Foundational Skills
- Peace Literacy Education in Virtual Reality
- Pushing Progress in Proficiency Based Grading
- Rehumanizing Assessment Practices in Oregon
- Standards Based Teaching While Using a Traditional Gradebook
- Stealing Time - Our Strategy to Lead Professional Learning and Develop Capacity for a More Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning
- Stronger Planning & Spending: Learning Lessons and Reviewing What We Know about District Spending Patterns
- The Shape of Racism: How White Supremacy Defines The Land & The Laws of Oregon
- Trauma Informed School Systems Leadership for Crisis Recovery & Renewal (more!)
- Using Summative Assessment Results for Meaningful System Evaluation and Growth
- Using the Program-Wide Early Childhood Inclusion Indicators for Developing a School-Wide Vision for High Quality Inclusion
- Well-Rounded Access Program (WRAP)
- Apptegy
- BenQ
- BYU Continuing Education
- Care Med Choice, LLC
- Curriculum Associates
- DreamBox Learning
- Frontline Education
- Imagine Learning
- Infini-D Learning
- Moda Health
- Northwest Evaluation Association
- Northwest Textbook Depository
- OEA Choice Trust
- Oregon Administrator Scholars Program
- Renaissance
- SAM Labs
- Sibme
- T-Mobile
- ThoughtExchange
- Varsity Tutors
- Virco Furniture MFG
- YouthLine
Graduate Eugene
66 E 6th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401
Overflow passes for the Hult Center parking garage are no longer available but instead passes for the Parkade which is on the other side of 7th street (back of hotel) will be issued.
Click here to view the conference agenda.
Graduate Eugene - Reservations can also be made by calling 844-888-4723 and reference Group Code: 080322COSA Cutoff Date: Friday, July 8, 2022
Lodging is also available at a discounted rate at the Even Hotel. The discounted conference rate is available until Monday, July 25th. Click here for reservations.
Click here to apply for exhibit space.