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Dennis Embry

Dennis Embry

Dr. Embry is a scientist-entrepreneur who is president of PAXIS Institute in Tucson, AZ. He has developed large, population-level behavior-change projects and studies for injury control in New Zealand, violence prevention in America, military deployments during the Gulf War, and tobacco control in multiple states with experimental designs. He is presently developing statewide initiatives for child abuse and multi-problem behavior prevention for several states.  His scholarly writing focuses on social change applied to large population-level change— integrating brain, behavioral, and evolutionary factors. He is a former National Research Advisory Council Senior Fellow in the Commonwealth, recipient of the science to practice award in 2006 by the Society for Prevention Research, and author of multiple manuals and training efforts for social change. He is currently preparing a new popular book and TV program for PBS entitled, “Youthanasia: How modern culture is slowly killing our youth and what can be done.”