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September 22, 2017
January 27, 2018
April 12, 2018

2017-2018 OACOA Seminar Series

The Oregon Association of Central Office Administrators has planned a series of three seminars during the 2017-18 school year. This seminar series is designed to provide timely professional development and networking support to central office administrators.

The agenda for each session will feature a combined group presentation on critical statewide priorities, related to implementation of state and federal programs, such as Smarter Balance Assessments, Common Core State Standards, Special Education, Educator Effectiveness, Opt Out, Title IX, 40-40-20 as well as other best practices in education. These discussions will be led by central office administrators with guest speakers from Oregon agencies, such as ODE and OSBA, who will address the needs and concerns of a wide variety of central office administrators.

Additionally each session will have time built in for job-alike break-out sessions and collegial sharing of strategies and practices across the state to create a network of support and resources.  Lunch is provided.

All Central Office directors and coordinators are welcome: Curriculum and Instruction, Assessment, Title Programs, Early Childhood, Human Resources, Special Education, ELL/ESL and CTE.





Valley River Inn
1000 Valley River Way
Eugene, OR 97401


Click here to view the April agenda.


Click here for directions.