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Dr. Jeffrey Sprague

Dr. Jeffrey Sprague

Jeffrey Sprague is a professor of special education and director of the UO Institute on Violence and Destructive Behavior. He directs federal, state, and local research and demonstration projects related to positive behavior supports, response to intervention, youth violence prevention, alternative education, juvenile delinquency prevention and treatment, and school safety. His research activities encompass applied behavior analysis, positive behavior supports, functional behavioral assessment, school safety, youth violence prevention, and juvenile delinquency prevention.

Sprague is a contributor to ""Early Warning, Timely Response,"" and the ""1998, 1999, and 2000 President's Annual Reports on School Safety."" In 1990 and 1997, he coauthored the first guide to Functional Behavioral Assessment (O'Neill et al., 1997). He has written a book on Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design for school administrators. Jeff Sprague has authored a book on school safety with Hill Walker for Guilford Publications (Sprague & Walker, 2005;, and a book on School Wide Positive Behavior Supports with Annemieke Golly (2004; In 2008 he published a book on Response to Intervention and Behavior Supports ( He has published more than 100 journal articles and book chapters. Sprague directs an R01 research grant from National Institute in Drug Abuse to conduct the first evaluation of the effects of Positive Behavior Supports in middle schools.