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Igone Arteagoitia Keynote Presentation

Igone Arteagoitia Keynote Presentation

Embracing Multilingual Learners’ Linguistic and Cultural Assets to Enhance Learning and Promote Inclusivity
The United States, a nation of immigrants where nearly one in five students speaks a language other than English at home, has often failed to recognize the rich linguistic and cultural resources multilingual learners bring to schools. These learners are frequently viewed as challenges rather than valuable assets. This presentation will draw on empirical research demonstrating the cognitive, academic, and social benefits of multilingualism to challenge current educational policies that are predominantly informed by studies on English-speaking monolingual children. We will advocate for bilingualism and biliteracy as fundamental rights for multilingual learners and any student who pursues them. The presentation will also showcase examples of effective practices that honor and harness the full linguistic and cultural repertoires of multilingual learners to support their academic growth, promote equity, and create inclusive learning environments.