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Oregon Elementary Principal of the Year / National Distinguished Principal of the Year

Oregon Elementary Principal of the Year / National Distinguished Principal of the Year


To publicly recognize the outstanding leadership of elementary principals in Oregon and to also consider honoring them at the national level with NAESP.


  1. Must be a practicing principal with at least five years of experience in the principalship, who plans to continue to impact the educational community.
  2. Must be a member of COSA/OESPA to be selected as Oregon’s winner.
  3. In order to be considered for the national award a membership of at least three years in NAESP will also be required.
  4. The principal must demonstrate evidence of outstanding contributions to the community and to the education profession and should lead a school that:
  • Is clearly committed to excellence.
  • Has programs designed to meet academic, social and emotional needs of all students, and
  • Has firm ties to parents in the community.

Please answer all six questions below: (3 pages maximum)

  1. List administrative position(s) held. Include title, district, length of service.
  2. Describe in some detail accomplishments as they relate to student achievement. Give specific examples that would be described as going beyond the normal expectations of the position.
  3. List and explain how the nominee has developed and updated his/her professional growth.
  4. What has been accomplished in this position that has had an impact on the educational development of staff?
  5. Describe contributions made to the profession (district, state, national).
  6. List other details that are pertinent to aid the committee in the selection process. (ie. Examples of ties to parents and community)


  1. Nomination materials will be sent to all COSA members.
  2. Nominators will contact nominees to obtain information required if necessary. It is also possible to nominate without the nominee knowing.
  3. The OESPA Executive Committee will act as the selection committee by judging the materials and by personal contact with the home districts of the nominees, if desired.
  4. The Oregon winner will be recognized at the annual Elementary Principals Conference in April and at the Annual COSA Conference in June.
  5. Members of the OESPA Executive Committee may be considered for nomination, but will be recused from the entire process.


  1. Materials will be available in January 2024.
  2. Completed nomination forms must be uploaded by 9 pm on Thursday, March 7, 2024.
  3. The nominees and Oregon winner will be notified by the beginning of April and be honored at the Elementary Principals Conference in April and the COSA Conference in June.