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Sarah Medary

Sarah Medary

Sarah Medary, Eugene City Manager - Sarah Medary is Eugene’s City Manager and a long-time City of Eugene employee. She was appointed to the City Manager role in 2019 after serving 23 years for the City in multiple roles. Her first job with the city was a part-time position in parks maintenance and her career has spanned 13 positions in 4 different departments.

Sarah moved to Eugene to pursue a second degree in Landscape Architecture at the University of Oregon and will tell you she uses those skills every single day in her work as City Manager. She also holds an MA in Organizational Leadership from Gonzaga University and is a certified coach with the International Coaching Federation. Her favorite leadership experience was being trained and certified by Brené Brown as a Dare To Lead facilitator in 2019.

Sarah was born and raised in Texas and spent much of her childhood and life outdoors enjoying fields, forests and streams. She loves to fly fish and her best days are almost always on the water.