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Maimonides Jewish Day School
Closing date: 
Friday, June 16, 2023

Mamonidies Jewish Day School in Portland, Oregon is seeking a part or full time principal to lead its progressive learning community of approximately 55 amazing students and supportive family members. Current, aspiring or retired school administrators are encouraged to apply.

Maimonides reflects its motto — Where Learning is Personal, Meaningful, and Empowering — in all it teaches. Maimonides has achieved accreditation by the secular Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools, as well as by the National Council for Private School Accreditation. In addition, Maimonides has earned accreditation in Judaic curricula by Merkos L’Inyonei Chinuch.
These exciting credentials mean Maimonides is recognized nationally as a faith-based private school that offers our Pre-K through 8th grade students a comprehensive, wholesome education in Judaics, science, math, English, and social studies. And we always do so with an eye — and heart — toward the whole student.

The Merkos accreditation report sums it up best. "The students are at the heart of this school," the committee writes. "They are a blessing and their behavior and ability to stay on task is...exemplary. The atmosphere, school environment and culture have a wonderful student-centered focus that is both caring and supportive."

Job Requirements:
• Master’s Degree in Education/Administrative license/certificate preferred.

• Public or private school administrative experience preferred.

• Skilled at identifying and hiring gifted educators and supporting their
professional growth.

• Excellent interpersonal skills, effective written and oral communication skills
and demonstrable confidence to engage substantively and meaningfully with
students, parents, teachers and do so with optimism, flexibility, and

• A reflective practitioner with a growth mindset, a deep understanding of
pedagogy and a commitment to educational philosophy.

• Ability to foster an environment of collaboration amongst faculty, across and
between academic subjects and grade levels.

• Embody a calm, reliable presence with a relationship-based and
problem-solving disposition.

Jewish background not required.

School Web Site:
Part-time to full-time position, starting July 2023
Salary: $40k-$80k

Contact Shmuel Greenberg to apply:
