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Technology for Change Workshop

Technology for Change Workshop

Remote and Hybrid Learning has forever changed how districts, schools, and teachers approach learning outcomes and the use of technology for learning. How do districts plan and re-distribute funding differently to support this new model? What roles do educators play next year? How do families continuing to play a significant role? This session will highlight the connections, allow time for reflection, and an opportunity to plan your next steps as you organize and integrate to meet our new tomorrow. Our learners are counting on it.

Leaving this session participants will feel empowered and knowledgeable of how to support their community and ensure technology to support learning brings positive and equitable change.

Participants will:

  • Identify key shifts and roles that supported your move to remote and hybrid learning.
  • Reflect on which shifts in hybrid remote will be kept and which will be abandoned.
  • Connect the "keepers" to cost shifts that fund the hardware, software, or personnel needed to support the instructional technology site-based needs and the technical sustainability.
  • Explore and define the roles of the administrator, teacher, and family for the Fall 2021 return
  • Consider next steps in supporting a successful implementation of technology as a tool for positive, equitable change