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OALA Announces Deadline Extension for 2018-19 Cohort Application

The Oregon Association of Latino Administrators (OALA) is proud to announce the application process for the 2018-19 Aspiring Administrator Leadership Program has been extended until April 15, 2018.  

In the first cohort, 100% of the protégés are either an administrator or teacher on special assignment. This leadership program is the first of its kind in Oregon; its goal is to prepare the next generation of Latino administrators with the skills necessary to be an effective leader.

OALA Protégé's are selected for the program based on their leadership potential and their commitment to raising the level of student achievement for the districts they serve.

COSA is proud to partner with OALA to ensure the empowerment of educators of every race and ethnicity. The year-long program covers: leadership development, best practices for equity and systemic reform, social justice and leadership, strategic planning, and administration preparation.

Protege Application

If you have any questions regarding the Aspiring Administrator Leadership Program, please contact Amy Torres at