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Miles Palacios named Executive Director of OASC

After a year and a half of “unprecedented times,” OASC is excited and ready to move into the future. This next year is a rebuilding year for many schools’ communities and cultures, and OASC is ready to assist our member schools in those endeavors, and we are excited to announce the hiring of a full time Executive Director to do just that. Please join us in welcoming Miles Palacios to the role of OASC’s Executive Director!

Miles attended his first OASC event in the summer of 2008 as a camper, an experience that sparked such a passion for the organization that he ran to be a member of the Student Executive Council that next fall. He has been involved with OASC since as an OASC student alumnus, event staff at conferences, a counselor at summer camp, an OASC board member, and as director of the Capitol Ambassador’s Program.

His professional experience includes time working in the legislature, for the Governor's office (including as aide to the first gentleman), and in the private sector. His work has always been centered in equity and breaking down barriers to access.

“Together, we can support young Oregonians as they grow as leaders and help them create ecosystems of change makers. The future of OASC is a network establishing long-term systems for individual growth and collective impact in Oregon’s schools and communities.”

Miles has a vision and passion for student leadership, and for making OASC a stronger and more inclusive organization than we've ever been before. This truly is an exciting moment for OASC.

Thank you to the OASC Consultant team (Brittany Hall, Susy Sayles, Justin Low, Mikey Downey, Sarah Cole, and Annika Minges) for assisting OASC in the last year - we are grateful for your efforts. We look forward to a vibrant future with Miles leading OASC and wish him all the success in this position. Look forward to hearing from Miles in the near future!

If you have questions or inquiries about resources, ideas, membership, or otherwise, please contact
