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2017 COSA/OSBA Legislative Report Now Available

The 2017 OSBA/COSA Legislative report is a key resource for you and your staff to glean information about new laws from the 2017 Legislative Session impacting the personnel, operations, programs and finance of school districts, education services districts, charter schools and community colleges.  In summary, the attached report contains detailed descriptions of ninety-eight pieces of legislation that have been signed into law by Governor Brown.  Please note that many of these laws are now in effect and impact the operations of your district during the 2017-18 school year. 

The report was prepared jointly by the staff of the Oregon School Boards Association and the Confederation of Oregon School Administrators.  Collaboration between COSA and OSBA ensures that the interests of board members and administrators of school districts, education service districts, charter schools and community colleges are considered when legislators and policymakers consider state laws impacting public education in Oregon. 

If you have additional questions about any of these bills I would encourage you to reach out to me or Chuck Bennett at your earliest convenience.  You can also find a copy of the Report on the COSA webpage click HERE