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Vice Principal/Special Programs Director

North Lake School District #14

North Lake School District is actively seeking exceptional candidates for the position of Vice Principal / Special Programs Director. The successful candidate will assist the Principal and Superintendent to create: A welcoming school that invites staff, student, family and community involvement. A positive and cohesive climate that is built on relationships, open and responsive communication and a clear vision for the school. The school Vice Principal serves as one of the educational leaders, responsible for managing the policies, regulations, and procedures to ensure that all students are supervised in a safe learning environment that meets the approved curricula and mission of the school district. Achieving academic excellence requires that the school Vice Principal work collaboratively to direct and nurture all members of the school and to communicate effectively with parents. Inherent in the position are the responsibilities for scheduling, curriculum development, extracurricular activities, personnel management, emergency procedures, and facility operations. The Vice Principal must have strong commitments to his/her own professional development. North Lake is a K-12 school that operates on a 4 day school week, and has an enrollment of 225 students with 76 students currently enrolled in grades 9-12. School website: