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Grants Pass School District 7, OR
Closing date: 
Monday, February 14, 2022

The Grants Pass School District 7, Grants Pass, Oregon, School Board, is seeking a highly qualified Superintendent. The Board wishes to have the successful candidate assume the responsibilities of the position July 1, 2022.

McPherson & Jacobson, L.L.C., Executive Recruitment and Development has been engaged as the consultant in a search for outstanding candidates. They will assist the School Board in identifying and screening the candidates.

Enrollment: 6,200

Location: 140 miles south of Eugene

The Qualifications

The candidate must have the background, skills, and abilities essential to be the leader of the Grants Pass School District 7. Specifically, the characteristics the board has identified are:

• A leader who is able and has the skill to balance all aspects of the district by staying true to the mission, being student centric, being an instructional leader, and ensuring that the operational functions are working well to support the mission of the district.
• A leader who is an articulate and eloquent communicator, both orally and in writing, and an empathic listener demonstrating a positive and humble approach.
• A leader with strong professional judgment who is able, in a firm and fair manner, to make hard decisions and stick with them while not being drawn into conflict.
• A leader who is a creative problem solver who works collaboratively being open to a range of ideas and options.
• A leader who is a visible, accessible and approachable presence in our community and district while building strong relationships in a calm and even-tempered manner.
• A leader who balances a vision for the future taking a long-term view while respecting, building on, and having consideration and pride for current successes and traditions.

Salary Range: $195,000 - $210,00 (Superintendent pays PERS)

Search Timeline:

• Closing date for applications: February 14, 2022 (11:30 p.m. central time)
• School Board selects finalists to interview: Week of March 7, 2022
• Finalists Interviews with the School Board: Week of March 14, 2022
• Selection of new Superintendent: March 29, 2022
• Start date: July 1, 2022