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4th Annual Oregon Whole Child Summit
Student Engagement: A Toolkit for Success
For Administrators, Counselors, Teachers, and Health &
Community Leaders Supporting Our Schools
An OASCD Conference in partnership with COSA.
More and more children come into classrooms with physical, mental and emotional needs that go far beyond standard educational training. How can we help these children to thrive as learners, and how can we support the adults who strive to teach them? This summit is an opportunity to bring our health and education partners together to learn about shaping our school systems, community partners, classroom practices, and cultures to create compassionate, versatile, and healthy teaching and learning environments.
Featured Speaker:
Pre-Conference, Thursday, January 17, 2019 1pm to 4pm
- Pre-Conference Speaker: Ali Carr-Chellman, Dean & Professor, College of Education, Health and Human Sciences, University of Idaho "How the US Education System is Failing Boys" - Bio
Main Conference, Friday, January 18, 2019 8am to 3pm
- Main Conference Workshop Presenter: Adam Welcome, Director of Innovation and Technology "Engaging Students, Staff, and Culture" - Bio
- has links to assessment, graduation, and droputs
- has some cross-tabulated data related to graduation and a few other things
-,-Bullying,-Restraint-and-Seclusion.aspx has data on boys and girls discipline rates