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June 21–23, 2017

43rd Annual COSA Seaside Conference

“The New Era of Leading & Learning”

Click here for Pre-Conference details and registration.


Download the Mobile Event App:
We have developed an event app that will not only enhance the experience for attendees and presenters but save some trees along the way.  The app is ready to download on your iPhone, iPad, or Android! Click from your device.  Event Website (use the website for all other devices):

Apple and Android users can also search for the app in the iTunes store or Play store. 

Featured Main Conference Speakers:


Jay McTighe, Renowned Educator & Speaker - Bio (handout 1) (handout 2)
Robyn Jackson, National Board-certified English Teacher - Bio
Jon Landis, PhD., National Development Executive, Apple Inc. - Bio

Click here to view the scheduled breakout sessions. (updated 6-2-17)




Seaside Civic & Convention Center
415 First Avenue
Seaside, Oregon 97138 



Click here for directions.


Click here for lodging options.