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April 21, 2022

2021-2022 New Superintendent Academy

August 4, 2021 | 8:30-3:00 Graduate Eugene, Wilder Room *
September 22, 2021 | 10:00-12:00 Virtual
November 9, 2021 | 9:00-11:00 Virtual
January 27, 2022 | 12:30-3:45 Salishan *
March 9, 2022 | 9:00-11:00 Eugene *
April 21, 2022  | 12:00-3:00 Salishan *
* In conjunction with a major COSA conferences.  In addition, bimonthly mentoring sessions will be hosted on Zoom, from 8 a.m.-9 a.m. on every second and fourth Friday.


Objective: To provide beginning Oregon Superintendents an opportunity to create a collaborative learning network focused on key leadership skills and practical strategies to help improve their individual school districts. Participants will attend a series of workshops throughout the 2021-22 school year, scheduled in conjunction with key COSA events and conferences. A complimentary registration is provided to each Academy participant for both the Oregon Law Conference and the Winter COSA conference.

Goals: Each workshop is organized around a presentation related to a designated leadership topic.  Perspectives unique to ESDs and districts of varying sizes will be included in each workshop. Following each presentation, time will be provided for participants to ask questions as well as to share immediate concerns and strategic issues with experienced Superintendents.

Mentorship Support: Each Academy participant is paired with a skilled mentor. Every attempt is made to maximize the pairing of the new superintendent and the mentor. The facilitators of the Academy have decades of superintendent experience and are available for support throughout the year.
In addition, every executive leader and expert that presents during the Academy sessions agrees to be called up as needed by the new superintendent participants. Executives and experts in the past have included Colt Gill, ODE Director; Jim Green, OSBA Executive Director; Dave Harvey, PACE Director; Nancy Hungerford, founder of The Hungerford Law Firm; Renee Sessler, OSBA Board Development; Christy Perry, Salem SD Superintendent; and Carol Samuels, Piper Sandler Managing Director.

In order to participate in this year-long program, you must be a COSA "Active" member.

Cost: $975 for the year-long Academy experience.  Registration includes Law Conference and Winter Conference at no additional fee.
Full scholarships are available for diverse superintendents in these categories:

  • Leaders of color
  • Members of the LGBTQ community
  • Bilingual leaders

Registration: Contact Sera Lockwood at or 503-581-3141 if you have additional questions.

Questions: Contact Krista Parent, COSA Director of Executive Leadership, at or 503-480-7201


In order to participate in this year-long program, you must be a COSA "Active" or "Associate" Member.
To join
click here.



Click here to view the August 4th agenda.