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October 12, 2018

2018 Trauma Informed Practice Summit

 Event Sponsored By


Online Registration is now closed. You may register onsite.
Late Cancellation within 72 hours will be charged a $95 non-refundable fee. Failure to show will result in full conference fee.


Pete Hall, Speaker, Author & Professional Development Agent - Bio 

Fostering a Trauma Sensitive Learning Environment - Childhood trauma is real, it is prevalent, and it impacts students, their learning, and the adults in their lives quite significantly. In this engaging, relevant, and practical session, learn from former award-winning principal Pete Hall (authors of award winning and best-selling Fostering Resilient Learners: Strategies for creating a trauma-sensitive classroom – ASCD, 2016) about the importance of trauma informed practices in the school setting.

Participants will be introduced to and provided with opportunities to reflect on information centered around the role that trauma plays in the school environment; the importance of self-awareness and regulation and strategies to support these in the school setting; the power of relationships and the role they plays in the establishment and maintenance of school safety; and the importance of self-care and the need for the professionals to have tools and strategies to support their own health. This professional development experience will emphasize strength-based approaches to use with students, families, fellow faculty, school personnel, and community members. 

Intended Professional Learning Outcomes:

  1. Participants will deepen their understanding of the prevalence of childhood trauma and the impact of trauma and toxic stress on learning and development.
  2. Participants will explore multiple strategies for education staff and community members to utilize with children with (known and unknown) trauma histories – helping to sustain learning-ready states.
  3. Participants will collaborate to identify best practices associated with trauma-informed care that they can implement into their workplace settings.
  4. Participants will reflect on how this information impacts their role and their overall health, collecting several suggestions for self-care and self-awareness.  





Linn County Expo Center
3700 Knox Butte RD
Albany, OR 97322
(541) 926 4314


8:00-8:30 - Registration
8:30-11:30 - General Session I
11:30-12:30 - Lunch/Partner Sharing
12:30-3:15 - General Session II
3:15 - Closing


Click here for driving directions.



Interested in exhibiting at this event? Contact Meghan Cusick Olson at or (503) 480-7220 for more information