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2018 Annual Principals Conference
The Annual Principals Conference is Oregon’s premiere professional learning opportunity for elementary, middle, and high school administrators charged with providing leadership to their schools, staff, students, and their community. Keynote speakers are selected based on the emerging trends in our state, and breakout sessions are selected and designed to inspire and challenge your thinking. This year’s conference will open on Sunday, October 21, 2018 at The Riverhouse on the Deschutes with an afternoon pre-conference event, followed on Monday, October 22, 2018 with a full-day of engaging speakers and presenters. Plan now on attending, as you won’t want to miss out on the great networking available to all attendees.
Click here to view the breakout sessions.
Featured Speaker:
Jimmy Casas, Adjunct Professor, Drake University - Bio
Pre-Conference Session:
Reducing Chronic Absenteeism - Sunday, October 21st - 1:00pm-4:00pm
Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing 10% of school days in a year, including excused, unexcused, and discipline-related absences, and missing 20% or more of school days is considered severe chronic absenteeism.
Increasing rates of chronic absenteeism in this state threaten the academic success, graduation rates, and future of each and every student we interact with. These absences have been linked to systemic barriers to attendance such as transportation, food insecurity, health related barriers, institutional racism, lack of support for newcomer families, large class size and lack of relevant coursework.
This pre-conference session will be focused on addressing systemic barriers and analyzing real-time attendance data in order to reduce chronic absenteeism and improve outcomes for Oregon students.
Special Event - Extended Workshop:
From Striving to Thriving: The Best Intervention is a Good Book
Monday, October 22nd - 10am-1:30pm
Stephanie Harvey, President, Stephanie Harvey Consulting, in partnership with Scholastic - Bio
We need an intervention on interventions in education. Of late, we seem to have become addicted to interventions. Every time a child has difficulty reading a text, we call for yet another intervention. The research is clear—what most kids really need to do to get better at reading is to read extensively in text they can and want to read. Nothing correlates higher to reading achievement than reading volume. So match kids to books that matter to them and build in plenty of time to just plain read! The best intervention is a good book.
The Riverhouse
3075 N Hwy 97
Bend, OR 97703
Click here to view the agenda.
Click here for directions.
The Riverhouse
3075 N Hwy 97
Bend, OR 97703
COSA rates are valid from October 1, 2018 through September 30, 2019. Guestroom rate is $113.00 plus tax/fees.
All exhibit spaces are currently full. Please contact to be placed on a waitlist.