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August 6–8, 2014
2014 Oregon Summer Assessment Institute
"It’s A New Day: Putting it all Together!"
Register today for the Summer Assessment Institute!
Click here to download the conference program.
Pre-Conference - August 6, 2014
Direct Access to Achievement Data Retreat
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
Lunch provided
Click here for the flier with detailed information.
Mickey Garrison, Founder, Educational Support Services
Main Conference - August 7-8, 2014
Featured Speakers:
- Rick Stiggins, Founder, Assessment Training Institute
- Gene Kerns, Vice President and Chief Academic Officer, Renaissance Learning -
Bio - "The Real Truth about Motivating Excellence" - Aida Walqui, Director, Teacher Professional Development Program, WestEd
Breakout Session Presenters include:
David Bautista - Jerry Tindal - Derek Brown
Brad Lenhardt - Linda Vanderford - Catherine Carlson
Bill Stewart - Jon Weins - Brian Bain
Bill Stewart - Jon Weins - Brian Bain
Bryan Toller - Kathleen Vanderall - Ken Hermens
Cara Olson Sawyer - Mickey Garrison - Amy McQueen
Cara Olson Sawyer - Mickey Garrison - Amy McQueen
Click here to view the conference agenda.
Lodging at the Hilton is full. Rooms are available at the Valley River Inn (541) 743-1000. Mention "COSA Summer Meeting" to get our discounted rate.