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Transform Student Behavior by Harnessing the Power of Connection

Transform Student Behavior by Harnessing the Power of Connection

This pre-conference will begin with how to build Connected Relationships for Learning by unpacking the components of how to truly listen, treat all students with dignity, and build a culture of trust. We identify specific strategies and tools to embed into your routines and vocabulary to build connections and show care to all students. Participants will walk away from this session with the skills to use eye contact, body language, tone, and volume to help de-escalate students and further connection. Additionally, we know that emotions are contagious. We will share tips and tricks to avoid picking up the heightened emotions of those around you, and ensure that the emotions you are sharing are worth catching.

Next we do a deep dive into how to examine students' unexpected behaviors with a focus on how to prevent them from occurring in the first place. We will explore the danger of power struggles, and provide you with practical tools for how to avoid them without losing your cool. We then utilize a format for examining individual student behaviors and how to make a plan to extinguish those that don’t work at school.
We all know that the conversation with a caregiver after their  student exhibits challenging behaviors  can be oh so challenging, and yet, these conversations are often the most critical  for a student's success. We will share and practice tried and true techniques for how to navigate these tricky conversations with caregivers. We also provide helpful strategies to respond when you are faced with common caregiver stumbling blocks. Approach these conversations with increased confidence and as an opportunity to build connection.
Finally, we will share specific techniques of having Connected Conversations. This will include modeling, and an opportunity to practice, that is sure to generate both laughter and an increased skill set in navigating those complex and crucial  conversations. We will utilize the techniques of Acknowledge, Validate, Coach and the Connected Communicators version of Compassionate Communication to support conversations with both the adults and students we serve. Join us for some practical and immediately applicable skills and techniques that will live in your back pocket for all the connected  communication opportunities coming your way this school year and beyond!


  • Erika Bare, Connecting Through Conversation
  • Tiffany Burns, Connecting Through Conversation