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OACOA Sponsored Pre-Conference

OACOA Sponsored Pre-Conference

OACOA Sponsored Pre-Conference – Thursday, January 23, 2020 – 1:00-4:00 (Long House A,B)

A Bias for Action - Examining Intent and Impact and the Role of Bias - Bias plays a role in each of our lives and is often rooted in cultural norms and ways of viewing the world. It impacts how we see and interact with others and how others see and interact with each of us.  Bias serves as a foundation for our daily actions and decisions and shapes our impact, regardless of our intent.

Closing educational gaps for diverse student populations while meeting the equity, diversity, and inclusion needs of students and staff is the work of each person in a school system.  In this interactive session, participants will examine the cultural roots of bias while gaining tools to better understand and address bias in their own work and the work of their school districts. 

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Bill de la Cruz, De La Cruz Solutions
Shelly Reggiani, North Clackamas School District