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Margarita Calderón Breakout
Margarita Calderón Breakout
Integrating Language, Literacy and Content: Modeling and Practice of Key Instructional Strategies
In this highly interactive workshop, participants will learn a process for integrating vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing with core content subjects in a virtual or hybrid learning environment. These strategies are ideal for content teachers and co-teaching instruction in secondary schools. Notwithstanding, these strategies are also being used in Dual Language schools. Margarita will demonstrate instructional strategies using a text for participants to practice how to:
• Select academic language using different types of words, phrases, and language structures to address core standards and classroom discourse.
• Teach vocabulary expeditiously before reading, during close reading, and for text-based writing.
• Delve deeper into reading comprehension and overview of follow up close reading strategies.
• Overview of follow up writing, editing, revising after reading.
• Integrate SEL competencies and strategies into the academic framework
• Participants will have copies of handout, and online access to lesson templates, and other teacher and student tools.