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Kamila Toor

Kamila Toor

Kamila Toor, a high school student passionate about Politics, Government, and Legal systems, is dedicated to advocating for social, civic, and environmental justice through her work with various organizations, including, the Afghan Support Network, League of Women Voters of Oregon, and Oregon League of Conservation Voters, and Grassroots Democrats HQ. She is also the Executive Director of Narrative Nexus, an organization dedicated to uplifting all voices through heartfelt interviews and compelling storytelling, aiming to empower individuals from all backgrounds, ensuring their stories are heard and celebrated. Beyond her work, Kamila enjoys spending time with her family, who immigrated from Afghanistan over 20 years ago, as well as her friends who come from all sorts of backgrounds. Kamila has been in Oregon her entire life and often makes trips out the coast or to the many nature areas that Oregon has to offer.