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Innovate18 Breakout Sessions
Innovate18 Breakout Sessions
Inspiration, Innovation, and Invention: Learning from failure - Video
Speaker: Patrick Verdun, Innovations Teacher, Dayton High School
A brief overview of how the innovations classroom runs at Dayton High School. Covering what the atmosphere is like, what success looks like, and what students learn. Learning from failure and trying something new.
Redefining Professional Learning
Speakers: Steve Simpson, Digital Curator, Beaverton School District
Nichole Carter, Innovation Strategist, Beaverton School District
This presentation will share the iteration and development of Week 3, an innovative, systematic, and collaborative approach to reimagine PD. Participants will hear how a large suburban school district utilizes an early release schedule and digital infrastructure to provide all staff access to new models of collaboration and sustained professional learning.
Design Thinking in Action -Video
Speakers: Amanda Dallas, TOSA/Title I Teacher, Dayton Grade School
John Bixler, Technology Coordinator, Dayton School District
Do you want to get your students working together to solve real world problems? Have you heard of Design Thinking? Our elementary school has held 3 school-wide Design Challenge Days. Walk away with our plans, process and resources used to facilitate this amazing experience. Come hear how students in mixed age groups build empathy with a user, define the user’s needs, generate ideas for meeting those needs and build a prototype to test in front of their audience. All it takes is a vision and a whole lot of recyclable materials!
We are the ones we have been waiting for!
Speaker: Jamie Richardson, Principal, LaCreole Middle School
In this session we will highlight an urgency to establish innovative learning experiences and establish it is up to our school leaders to get the ball rolling. Ideas will be shared on how to create a school culture which embraces innovation and identify a few practical hacks to support change.
Making Teams Within Your Team
Speakers: Heidi Brown, Principal, Harrison Elementary School
Amy Aguero, Vice Principal, Harrison Elementary School
Walking into an elementary school with many traditions in place and a history of working in isolation, we put in place a teams within our team model that was a complete game changer for our building. Within 18 months we have gone from teachers working in silos to seven teams with every staff member contributing to at least one team. The school culture's perception has taken a 180 turn with transparency and shared decision making as the new norm. Teams range from a traditional Site Council to new start-ups around behavior and technology. While shared leadership is not a new idea, this small change has been a lever for dramatic results and we are excited to share what we have learned.
Connecting Hands and Minds: A Community-Oriented Approach to Shop Class -Video
Speaker: Matthew Miller, Teacher, Newberg High School
Place-based, project-based, real-world, design thinking, experiential, grit (that’s so 2013)... The list of buzzwords we employ is long, but what’s the glue that binds all of these together in a meaningful way? Community. The Integrated Design Studio at Newberg High School is a multi-disciplinary, project-centered approach to teaching and learning. Our students are thinkers and makers, designers and builders, hackers and hipsters, future plumbers and physicians. We employ a design process rooted in empathy, collaboration, discovery and action to develop projects that ignite change within our community. We believe in the leveling power of education, and that the best learning occurs when we get our hands dirty.
Teacher Cloning with Video Pedagogy - Video
Speaker: Ranjani Krishnan, Mathematics and Computer Science Teacher, Lincoln High School, Portland SD
Flipped classrooms, khan academy and video pedagogy have been around for a while now but I have had to lean in to how I have wanted to use videos in my classroom in order to be truly effective as an instructor and guide. It is important that students hear their teacher's voice, see their teacher's face and have a narrative associated with abstract topics in mathematics. So I created videos keeping these factors in mind. I was able to bring direct instruction back to the classroom without requiring everyone's attention all at one time. This method of instruction (which isn't exactly the flipped classroom method) gives students opportunities to speed up, slow down, rewind, or move ahead while in class. The written inquiries and exercises following the videos are tied closely to the videos, so note-taking is a must and is required. While my students watch the videos, I can walk around, answer questions and find out how they are engaging with the material. The videos are always connected with what we talk about in class and there is a narrative and/or guiding question connecting all the videos. After watching these videos, we use class time for whole-class discussions (rather than live lectures), problem-solving in small groups, and one-on-one help from the teacher.
EdcampPDX: Remixing Professional Learning -Video
Speaker: Melissa Lim, Learning, Teaching & Technology, Portland Public Schools
Learn about this unconference model that is designed to give participants choice and voice in their learning. You'll learn about what an edcamp is and its value for connecting and learning with others. We'll end the session running a mini-edcamp from start to finish.
Bringing an innovative, hands-on learning approach to core classes
Speakers: Carrie Carden & team, Science Teacher, Dayton JH/HS
Tera Solem, Social Studies Teacher, Dayton JH/HS
We all know that CTE/hands-on classes are engaging and bring purpose and joy to teaching and learning. Shouldn't students be able to have those innovative experiences in all of their classes? When students have agency over their education they become inspired learners who are motivated to work through challenges while uncovering creative, brilliant and confident versions of themselves. Come discover how teachers and students have co-created learning experiences in Social Studies, Language Arts, Science, Math, and Health to obtain needed skills through content that is meaningful, and extending the joy of learning beyond CTE.
Creating a Culture of Innovation
Speaker: Chris Bick, Assistant Principal, Sunset High School
Creating a culture of innovation in our schools remains one of public education's most vexing challenges. This session will acknowledge the difficulties of facilitating change in a culture that is historically risk averse and explore strategies for building an innovation mindset and empowering staff as agents of change.
An Innovative Approach to Designing Purpose Driven Learning
Speaker(s): Jennifer Shilhanek, Teacher/Classroom Innovation Coach, Dayton Jr.-Sr. High School
What if students had a class where they could find ways to have a positive impact on the world around them while doing something they enjoy? In this class, students have the freedom to design challenges of their choice, breaking down barriers in traditional learning for students by creating independence, purpose, and providing space for creativity. Student teams take an idea and make it a reality, learning how to start from zero, gather empathy data, overcome roadblocks, schedule meetings, promote through various media, mirror industry practices to manage projects, send formal emails, and make an event happen.
When School = Learning
Speaker: Linda Adams, MIRL Coordinator/Instructional Coach, High Desert ESD
When new understanding around how our brain learns, how our mindsets effect our learning combine with the realization that our present education system is not keeping up with the kind of learning nor the skills that students today need for the careers of tomorrow, we need solutions for real transformation in how and what content educators present. Modern learning is defined as a facilitation of learning in a manner that allows for autonomous learners, creative thinkers and critical problem-solvers. Exceptional goals but how do we realistically develop a plan to assist teachers in implementing these philosophies into their classrooms.
Industry and K-12 Engagement: Educator Externships
Speakers: Cherie Clark, Manager, Career and College, Willamette Education Services District
Stacy Lewallen, Controller, Lease, Crutcher, Lewis
Over the past 5 years, Associated General Contractors has been trying to reach more students. When the opportunity to impact educators came up, we thought now there is a group of people that have an impact on 100- 150 students a day. To start it up and make it a success was a no brainer. The Educator Externship was designed to infuse real world relevance, develop partnerships, foster multidisciplinary connections and increase career related learned that provided students with the information they need to find the right path into high demand, high wage career; ready to succeed.
The Agile Classroom: High Power Rocketry -Video
Speakers: Jordan B. Slavish, Math and Engineering Teacher, Yamhill Carlton High School
Brittany Hartmann, Science and Engineering Teacher, Yamhill Carlton High School
Students at Yamhill Carlton High School have been given the freedom and tools to develop something truly extraordinary. With no prior experience, they are given a simple deadline: build a rocket that can reach one mile in sixteen weeks. In addition to gaining engineering skills, students self-organize and manage their own learning using industry-leading Agile processes in order to meet their goal; every aspect of the class is student lead from licensing to budgeting and purchasing. At the end of the term, students launch alongside the Oregon Rocketry Club with clearance to 40k feet.
Teacher Advisor, Developed by Teachers for Teachers
Speakers: Linda Wilson, Corporate Citizenship Manager, IBM
Peggy Mischke, 3rd Grade Teacher, Salem Keizer School District
Teacher Advisor With Watson is a free tool, developed by teachers and for teachers, to help elementary math teachers improve their planning and practice. Built as a philanthropic collaboration between the IBM Foundation, the American Federation for Teachers, and respected voices in the education field, Teacher Advisor leverages IBM Watson technology to help teachers plan more efficiently and effectively for all students. Teacher Advisor has been trained by math experts in the language of elementary math. Teachers are able to gain targeted recommendations based on their needs from a corpus of over 2,000 of the best lesson plans, activities, and teaching strategies (including videos), all integrated and focused to meet their needs.
Presenters: Linda Wilson, Corporate Citizenship Manager, IBM and Peggy Mischke, 3rd Grade Teacher, Salem Kaiser School District
Beaverton's Future Bus
Speakers: G Douglas Bundy, Future Bus Operations Manager, Beaverton SD
Cat Nostrand, Innovation Strategist, Beaverton SD
Nicole Frisch, Community Engagement Director, First Tech Federal Credit Union
We made a Future Bus and you can too! Think you can't make a mobile maker space bus? That's what WE used to think! Come to our seminar and ask any question you want about the BSD Future Bus.* Members of the Beaverton School District Future Ready team and our partners from First Tech Credit Union will be on hand to share ideas, stories, successes and struggles about our first 2 years on the bus. Our time together will leave you inspired and motivated to create this experience for your own students!** If weather allows, we will head out to the bus and you can compete for glory on our giant magnetic marble run.*** Everyone gets a sticker!****
*Certain restrictions apply.
**Results not guaranteed.
***This is actually true.
****While supplies last.