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Igone Arteagoitia
Igone Arteagoitia
Dr. Igone Arteagoitia, a Linguist and Dual Language Bilingual Education Specialist at the Center for Applied Linguistics, delivers workshops, trainings, and a range of support services for teachers and administrators working with multilingual learners in dual language bilingual educational programs throughout the United States and internationally. In addition to her work with teachers and school and district administrators, Igone conducts research related to the development of bilingualism and biliteracy skills in Spanish-English speaking children and the relationship between language and literacy development in Spanish and English. Her most recent work, funded by the U.S. Department of Education, investigated characteristics of dual language bilingual instruction in high achieving programs by analyzing state-wide longitudinal data in the two program languages. She has published her research in peer-reviewed publications, including TESOL Quarterly, Bilingual Research Journal and the Journal of Bilingual Education Research and Instruction. Igone holds a Ph.D. in Spanish Applied Linguistics from Georgetown University and a M.A. in TESOL from West Virginia University. A native Spanish speaker, she is also fluent in Basque and English.