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Dyslexia Screening and Identification

Dyslexia Screening and Identification

Oregon’s newest dyslexia legislation, SB 1003, requires that districts universally screen for risk factors of dyslexia in kindergarten. This full day session will walk participants through the process of universal screening to possible referral and evaluation for special education services through a dyslexia lens. Carrie Thomas Beck, Dyslexia Specialist from ODE, will discuss how to interpret data collected from the universal screening process and the importance of progress monitoring to determine students’ response to instruction. Participants will learn how to administer and score informal diagnostic assessments to collect more in depth information on phonological awareness, decoding, and spelling for those students who are not responding to initial instructional support. Participants will also learn how to collect information on family history of reading difficulties, including a developmental history, to help better determine a student’s risk for dyslexia.  A student case study will be presented to demonstrate how the information from screening, progress monitoring and the informal assessments can be used to help identify those students who should be considered for  referral for a special education evaluation. The presenter will highlight components to include in a comprehensive educational evaluation for dyslexia and model how the data collected from the evaluation and other sources can be used to set appropriate IEP goals and further intensify and individualize instruction.  Learning Outcomes - participants will:

    • Interpret results from universal screeners for risk factors of dyslexia;
    • Determine the effectiveness of tiered support through review of progress monitoring data;
    • Administer and score informal diagnostic assessments in the areas of phonological awareness, phonics, and spelling.
    • Collect information on family history of reading difficulties, including a developmental history;
    • Understand the necessary components of an educational evaluation for dyslexia;
    • Use screening, progress monitoring, informal diagnostic, and evaluation data to set appropriate goals for students and plan for intervention; and
    • Know strategies for intensifying instruction to meet the needs of students with dyslexia.