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Dr. Michael De Sousa

Dr. Michael De Sousa

Michael is the son of Azorean immigrants Gisela Paz and Jose Antonio. While his parents could only attend the third grade, Michael would become the first in his family to attend college, eventually earning his Master's and Doctorate in Education. Dr. De Sousa has worked in schools for over two decades as a teacher, principal, leadership coach, community organizer, and researcher. He has led award-winning schools recognized for preparing first-generation students for college and creating transformational school cultures. Michael has extensive experience serving multilingual students in San José and Hayward, California. After his tenure as a principal, Michael committed himself to disrupting inequitable patterns of power and opportunity within school systems. Whether leading adult learning, facilitating inclusive design processes, or organizing families, Michael's work honors the leadership, assets, and agency of communities that have been underserved by school systems. As a father of three and the son of a multilingual household, the work of educational equity and language justice is personal for Michael. He looks forward to bringing his passion, joy, and expertise to bear at the COSA M&EL Conference.