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The Corvallis Model - Integrated Mental Health Programming in Schools

The Corvallis Model - Integrated Mental Health Programming in Schools

ryan_noss_web_0.png  joe_leykam_web_0.png  sabrina_wood_web_0.png

This half-day intensive training is focused on helping staff who are newer to the Corvallis Model of Integrated Mental Health Care. If you have not heard of the model, or have seen initial presentations but are not yet engaged in development in your district - this work training is for you. The training will focus on the philosophy and first steps to deploy an integrated mental health program in your district, regardless of size.

Equity stance: The Corvallis School District and its mental health program are dedicated to serving students who originate from communities of color, the LGBTQ+ community, and individuals who experience multigenerational poverty. Our work emphasizes centering the needs of these students and families that are traditionally unserved or underserved across healthcare settings. The training will address this through practice discussions and emphasis on systems that promote service to these communities.

Learning objectives:

  • Understanding how equitable systems underpin effective mental health practice.
  • Development of a clear implementation plan for your district bringing mental health practice into your schools
  • Technical resources for implementation questions


  • Ryan Noss, Superintendent, Corvallis SD - Bio
  • Joe Leykam, Mental Health Program Manager, Corvallis SD - Bio
  • Sabrina Wood, Student Services Coordinator, Corvallis SD - Bio