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Andratesha Fritgerald Workshop

Andratesha Fritgerald Workshop

PAIN. POWER. HONOR. : Transformative actions that lead to learning.

Controversy is born the moment dreamers begin taking actions to invite the marginalized ones into the secret society of success. It takes bravery to dream beyond the locked gates of educational access for all. When we say “all” we need to be brave enough to identify the students who the system has not traditionally served. It’s more important than ever that we recognize that our systems are not socially just or equitable for our students with disabilities, our English language learners, our LGBTQ students, our students who experience trauma, students who are economically disadvantaged and our Black and
Brown students. In order to design learning environments that are safe, welcoming, inviting and empowering we have to learn how to:

  • Acknowledge the pain of staying the same.
  • Disarm the danger of “power”.
  • Transform the code of power into the code of honor.

This workshop will cover stories and strategies to actualize the pathway to access and success for all learners.