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Aída Walqui Keynote

Aída Walqui Keynote

Quality and Equitable Education for our English Learners: Rethinking Ecologically the Education We Offer Them - Despite decades of well-intentioned efforts to educationally build the immense resources and potential English Learners take to school individually and communally, we are still far from accomplishing what is desirable and possible. In this presentation I will share the ecological framework that drives my work. It looks at the interrelatedness of all systems relevant to the education of English Learners, placing the student at the center, and considers the roles educational leadership, teachers, and communities play in this endeavor. The model enables us to propose several important shifts educators need to embark on, in order to do justice to the strength and aspirations of Multilingual Learners and their families. I will also share examples and video clips of what the proposed policy, engagement, and practice can look like. We, educators, are responsible for the development of all of our students, and if we focus on English Learners, all students will benefit. Our duty is to act ecologically to preserve and advance student resources as well as to develop critically, civically engaged future citizens.