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2018 Early Learning Conference Breakout Sessions
2018 Early Learning Conference Breakout Sessions
- Oregon’s Early Learning Workforce and Professional Development Supports
- Developing a new Early Learning Model at the Redmond Early Learning Center- How collaboration and collective impact support positive outcomes for all.
- Preschool LEAP: Increasing Social Emotional Learning for All Preschoolers
- Already Behind in Math: How to Intervene for Students Struggling in the Primary Grades
- Linking Kindergarten to Third Grade Outcomes
- Building Successful P-3 Initiatives: Linking Research to Practice
- How Can I Teach When I Have Such Disruptive Students?
- Are we making a difference? Measuring impact through aligned data systems
- Phrases and Places: How to Build Resiliency in Your Classroom and School
- Making LEAP and Bounds through Transdisciplinary Team Meetings
- Setting Up a Classroom to Promote Resiliency in Students
- How to Amplify Phonological Awareness Instruction: Tips to Support All of Your Emerging Readers in Grades K and 1
- Current Uses and Future Directions for the Oregon Kindergarten Assessment
- Making the Connection: Behavior, Brain, and Social/Emotional Skills
- Using the Vroom Program to Create Brain-Building Moments
- Reducing Chronic Absenteeism and Achieving Successful Attendance in Oregon's Schools
- Taking a Holistic Approach to School Readiness for Children, Families and Teachers
- Parents at the Center of their Child's Education: Getting Strong Student Results through Early Parent Engagement
- Defining Competencies for Early Learning Educators, Instructional Leaders and Coaches
- Introduction to the Spark Alternative Pathway
- "Ambitious Instruction": Your Input on a Statewide Professional Learning Program
- Rethinking Challenging Behavior: Children Do Better When they Feel Better
- Building a Preschool-3rd Leadership Pipeline: Your Feedback Needed on Promising Models for School and District Leaders
- Social Emotional Learning (SEL)- Reliable Data & Easy to Use Resources
- Choose Your Own Gratitude Adventure: Mindfulness for Teachers
- Early Learning and STEM Hubs: a partnership reaching past the acronym
- Advocating for Kindergarten Readiness
- Improving Child Abuse Reporting: The New Oregon Child Abuse Hotline
- Understanding Writing Performance Tasks, Scoring Rubrics, and Instructional Implications
- Celebrate Our Own Unlimited Potential by Growing Early Mindsets™ (GEM™)
- Integrating Social Emotional Learning & Academic Instruction to Achieve Greater Student Success
- Early Learning Council Strategic Plan (Kinder Readiness)
- Breaking Barriers (HUBS and K-3 Panel)
- Policy Conversation
- PreK Has Always Been an Intergrated Learning Environment
- Creating Partnerships with Families and Communities
- Listening Session